1-Day Odor Management at Anaerobic Digestion Facilities Workshop - Online, On-Demand!

Organized by BioCycle and the American Biogas Council, topics include: Odor sources at anaerobic digestion (AD) plants; Odor control technologies; Management strategies to minimize odors; Case studies at farm and centralized AD facilities; How to develop proactive odor management outreach programs.

Full Agenda: https://americanbiogascouncil.org/odor-management-at-anaerobic-digestion-facilities/ 


  • "Definitely worth the price to attend. I actually want to have this available every year, so having it on-demand is perfect."
  • "I thought the workshop was great! At the conference, they covered a wide variety of topics, but I got the most out of looking at just one topic that is crucial to the success of the company- odor. The workshop was well put together with a good balance of expert knowledge and interesting stories from people who have experienced problems with odor."
  • "I especially liked the fact that I could access the recorded video. It was an eye opening event which everybody gets great exposure of various problems (of the same nature) and various solutions. This way an odor problem gets attacked from different angles and the consequences will get minimized."

  • Discounted Rate for ABC Members only.



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